The #1 Personal Finance and Investing Podcast in Hawaii! Top 1% Ranked Podcast!
Jan. 25, 2023

158. The Shame is in Quiting, Not Losing with Daniel Martinez

158. The Shame is in Quiting, Not Losing with Daniel Martinez
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Average Joe Finances

Join Mike Cavaggioni with Daniel Martinez on the 158th episode of the Average Joe Finances Podcast. Daniel shares his life journey towards financial freedom and how he came up with Hive Mind CRM, an effortless automation for an REI business.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Transitioning from the trucking business to get into real estate
  • Benefits of building a network and podcast platform
  • Daniel’s life journey to financial freedom
  • And so much more!

About Daniel Martinez:

Daniel did a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. 

Daniel started The List Guys in 2020, a data and skip tracing service wherein they provide seller and buyers list nationwide. Their clients have been getting great results.

Daniel started the Hive in 2021 with his partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind that comes with an all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey for him. Seeing one of the users make a 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging the software, for sure there will be plenty more to come!

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Average Joe Finances:

Hey, welcome back to the Average Joe Finances podcast. I'm your host, Mike Cavaggioni, and today's guest is Daniel Martinez. Daniel, super excited to have you on the show. Thank you so much for joining me. And I just wanna point out, I was recently on his podcast, so go check it out on the Hive with us podcast. It was probably the best episode he ever did. I'm just saying it was really good. Hey Daniel, welcome to the show.

Daniel Martinez:

Oh welcome. I appreciate you having me on. It's always like switching back and forth with other podcast hosts because you get a different you get a reverb of whatever, not necessarily a reverb of the conversation, but switches positions.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah, absolutely. Now the roles have reversed. Now I'm the host and you're the guest. But no dude, I had a blast on your show. And the thing is like, guys, if you haven't listened to it, go listen to it because it was the two of us just like having a just general conversation about everything like real estate, podcasting, just all the good stuff. So much value in that conversation. And I'm hoping that we're going to add to that value here with our conversation. Speaking of that I wanna start things off the same way I start every podcast episode. And we wanna know more about you and your background. So if you could share a little bit about yourself, share your story. Who is Daniel Martinez?

Daniel Martinez:

I've been an entrepreneur for about five years. It'll be five years in December. I used to load trucks. I did a lot, had sales jobs back then, door to door sales, didn't really like that. Eventually got into like transportation industry with loading trucks, and then ended up moving down to Chicago from moving down to Atlanta from Chicago, and they had no snow in Atlanta. So I'm like, okay, I guess I could drive now. Cause I, I didn't wanna drive in the snow with the semi-truck. Kind went down that path. I did tried trucking for two years at that company. They trained me how to drive and then I eventually started my own trucking company and that was my first endeavor into entrepreneurship just because I had a CDL, like worst case scenario, I'll drive the truck and we'll figure it out. And learned a lot of lessons through that business. Eventually came into real estate and software and data company or data company I provide leads. Investors. So I did real estate data and then now I'm in software, and then it's just peeling into other layers after that, now. But it's been a, been an interesting journey for a long bit and still have my cdl, but don't think I overdrive again. But lot of things happen on that path.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah. You never know, man. Like we were just talking about that before we hit record. Just about the different opportunities and not only in real estate, but business in general and how there's so much opportunity there. And I think I kind of wanna preface it with The fact that, with you being a podcast host as well, you probably see a lot of the same things that I see is a lot of these opportunities come because of the network that you've built with your podcast, right? You're bringing on these guests that are sharing their story, what they're doing, either in real estate or in business and other things like that. And you get to ask them the questions that you wanna ask them. It's one of those selfish things that we get to do as podcast hosts. It's amazing how much you can learn just by having a podcast. So you started off, you got your CDL, you started your own trucking business, and then eventually got into like real estate data, started providing leads and stuff. I'm assuming for wholesalers and flippers. So yeah. What made you decide to transition from the trucking business to get into real estate?

Daniel Martinez:

Man, I tell people all the time, it was out of necessity. So a lot of people, they need to pivot out of whatever they're currently doing, and it's not a bad thing. But I lost a 100k on trucking.

Average Joe Finances:

Oh, wow.

Daniel Martinez:

It wasn't really making me any money and it was just, I was just working for free at that point and losing money. So I was pivoting to other things and I hope it doesn't happen to real estate, but the transportation industry is overregulated, so everybody's in your pockets. Too much regulation. There's police tickets, regular drivers, like I always make the joke that the stars have to align for you to get paid in a transportation business because there's so many, there's so many factors that lay into each dollar you make that it's just hard to make at dollars.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah, it's hard to get it back. Working for free is not my idea of what I wanna do in business. So I can see why that transition became a necessity, right? But why real estate in particular?

Daniel Martinez:

It was I knew people made money, real estate, and like I said, I didn't know anything about wholesale. You go down the YouTube path and you find people that have courses in education, podcasting. So you educate yourself and like I said, when I was in trucking, I had a lot of free time. So you start learning about other things with all that free time. And like I said, the reason why I even give a lot of effort towards podcasting is because I'm a product of it. So it's like a personal note to give back to the community because I became a product of it as a whole cause I used to consume so much of it back then.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah. Okay. I absolutely love that, Daniel, because I am the same way, right? When I first got into real estate investing, I was like, I need to learn as much as possible, as fast as possible. What's the best way to do that? And I started listening to bigger pockets. I started watching more YouTube stuff, like Graham, Stephan, meet Kevin, all those guys, right? Consuming as much content as possible. I called myself a content sponge, right?

Daniel Martinez:


Average Joe Finances:

And I felt like that was so important in my own personal journey. And then when I started my own podcast to share what I was doing and my own like personal finance journey I realized the value that I was getting out of it. Sure. I'm providing value to my listeners, right? And there's people that are like, oh, wow, this is great information. and all that and which is great and I love that I'm able to make an impact on people, but at the same time I was able to learn so much more and build my network to the point where like I get deal like in my inbox, I get deal flow like something serious. It's crazy. I get emails all the time with things that are coming up, new business opportunities. Everything, man. You name it I get it in my inbox. And I absolutely love that, and I have the choice to sit in here and say, yep, nope, not for me. Ooh, this one might be something interesting to take a look at, right?

Daniel Martinez:


Average Joe Finances:

But that's one of the beautiful things about building a network and how my podcast helped me actually get there. Are you, have you had a similar experience with your podcast? I know you've ac you've actually been podcasting I think a little bit less time than me, but you have way more episodes than me cause you're out there just crushing it in the podcast world and interviewing a bunch of people, man. And I think that's absolutely amazing. So what are some of the side benefits that you've gotten out that?

Daniel Martinez:

A lot of it is private capital. We've been trying to source private capital. Yeah. That's one of those things where if you get private capital, that's like the one thing that really hinders a lot of investors from growing. So we've been trying to really dig into private capital and proper placing that into proper transactions that way everybody wins. But it's just been the biggest thing that I've seen benefit from is just the conversations. Man, you talked to, we had interview, we interviewed Tim Bros. We interviewed some C level big executives already, and I'm like, man, this is priceless information. I actually DMed the guy and he charges like $25,000 to speak with them for half a day and they're, we're on the calendar to speak. So I'm like, stuff like that. Like they'll do, they'll do a podcast for free, but if you come in through the other entrance, they're gonna charge you and they're gonna tax you. So it really shows the information that they provide and that they're willing to give to you freely, just cause you provide value to them as well.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah. Because you know when somebody goes on a podcast, they get to promote themselves, right? And that's one of the beautiful things about it is you get to bring people on and you're not paying, right? But they get to promote themselves and at the same time you get to learn from them and ask them the questions that you wanna ask them. Again, like I said, it's like one of those selfish things that you get to do as a podcast host, and I absolutely love that. I've had people on my show that charge thousands of dollars for an hour of their time. And here I am getting to pick their brain for an hour and get a good understanding of how they did what they did and learning about their style and everything. And I'm like, this is freaking awesome. And then not only that, but not only did I get to do that and pick their brain, but I get to provide that value to my audience. For free, So enjoy. That's one of the beautiful things about it that I love so much, man. And really glad you brought that up. Now one of the things that you said that you've been able to do with this is raise private capital. And I don't think people realize the just how powerful that is by building up a network to the point where you can actually raise enough private capital for businesses, for real estate deals or anything like that. That carries a lot of weight. What are some of the things and this is one of those selfish questions right, that I'm gonna ask you because I wanna know for myself personally, but what are some of the things you've done with your podcast to get it to the point where you had investors reaching out to you to say, Hey, yeah, I'm interested in providing private money for A, B, C or D.

Daniel Martinez:

So one of the interesting things about real estate is that if you proclaim that your real estate, people always are looking to invest capital in other ways. So we don't need to necessarily ask for it. It's just people just come Hey, I have money. Can you take it and multiply it for me? Because most people have that problem. Think about this. Most entrepreneurs, they might be good at making money, but they're not good at investing it. So us being in real estate, we're the perfect vehicle for those entrepreneurs and people that listen to your show or listen to that make a lot of money. They just, Hey, I need a way to invest this, and I just need help.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah. Having that appropriate vehicle in place to stash their cash instead of just holding onto it and it does absolutely nothing but lose money the entire time. That's awesome, man. Now what about you personally? Like in your own personal journey towards financial freedom, what are you doing in that and how close are you? Or are you already at the point of reaching financial independent?

Daniel Martinez:

So I had a conversation with this one of my clients. I go golfing with my clients that live nearby me. And it's a cool thing that you get to do when you have clients. We had this, we literally talked about this last weekend, and it was interesting because, Entrepreneurship is a 5 to 10 year journey, but it's not necessarily about the money. It's about freedom and freedom and money aren't the same thing, and they're not the same attainable goal that happened in entrepreneurship. And we're talking about that, like if you have regular freedom. That's freedom too. Not just money freedom that gets to a certain level. There's a stage that you go through and pass through. That freedom in general is priceless. That it, it's huge amounts of leverage that it gives you and not having to clock in at a job is. Like I said, I luckily for me, like I've been able to do that since I've been in entrepreneurship. Even when I was in trucking, even losing money, I've been able to sustain ourself, and this is something that they don't teach you, is the government actually pays you to be employ an entrepreneur. Because if you don't make enough money, they actually pay you. You still get tax refunds and all that stuff. I got the P loan and I was like, cause I was a business that was affected by covid. So government pays you to stay in business. So you get a lot of leverage even if you're not making a lot of money.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah that's a fair point. Just being an entrepreneur in general and just having that freedom. But, so actually I want to ask you like, What does that mean to you? What is financial freedom to you?

Daniel Martinez:

I think for me it's just having the ability to go and do what you want when you want to, and having the ability to take care of your family more than you need to without having to do what everybody else does.

Average Joe Finances:

I love that. I feel the same way. Like financial freedom to me. Just get rid of the financial piece and just use the other f word freedom. It's that independence that you have, right? That you don't have to rely on. A W-2 job, you don't have to rely on being employed, right? That you have enough to get by and enjoy life and get that time back. So time freedom to me is like super important. And that's why like I love spending like my free time on things like this, on making content having a podcast interview and just being able to put some fantastic information out there, like what we're doing right now. So absolutely love that, man. Now, you said you've been doing this, what you said, five years since you started your entrepreneurial journey?

Daniel Martinez:

Yeah, it'll be five years in December.

Average Joe Finances:

Okay, fantastic. Now you also mentioned how entrepreneurship is like a 5 to 10 year journey, right? So you're always looking 5, 10 years down the road. And I believe in real estate too. That is like the biggest thing. This is not a get rich quick thing. It's hey, build wealth over time. But you'll be surprised how quickly you can build it in that five to 10 year period. So now that you're coming up on this five year, if you look back five years ago and reflect on just what you've done on your journey so far, is there anything that you would've changed during your journey to maybe that would've accelerated you a little faster or maybe stuff that you would've scaled back on? Anything like that?

Daniel Martinez:

That is such a great question, and the reason why it's such a great question is because I liked the path I took and I liked the path that's taken me because I've learned the lessons that I needed to, when I needed to learn them. And a lot of people, they think oh, I'm gonna make it in a year. I'm gonna make it in two years. And I'm like, you shouldn't have that thought process, because sometimes you need to get hit in the face a few times because when you're dealing with bigger issues and bigger problems, if you wouldn't go, if you didn't take those LS early, it might bankrupt you.

Average Joe Finances:

I love that man.

Daniel Martinez:

It's so crazy that how that works though. But put in the reps, put in the work, put in the time, put in the 5, 10 years, put in the time and you'll be better off for it going through that path. . Average Joe Finances: Yeah, dude, I it's one of the things that we talk about, whether you're an entrepreneur investing in real estate, whatever it is that you're doing, right? If you're investing in real estate, you're an entrepreneur, right? But as you're doing this, a lot of people are like what are some of the things I should avoid and everything like that. It's great because you can listen to podcasts like this. You can hear other people's stories. Go read it on forms. You can watch some YouTube videos about mistakes that people have made, so you can avoid those, but you're not gonna avoid every single mistake. It's bound to happen. You're gonna have hiccups in your journey, right? What matters is what you do on the backside of that, right? It's not about oh, I'm trying to avoid. You could be as risk adverse as you want, but you know what? There's always risk. There's always a possibility that something can happen. And when those things do happen, how do you react? How do you respond? That's the important part. And if there's anything that you could take away from any of these pieces of content that you've learned from is look at what those entrepreneurs did after that mistake, after that financial hardship, after everything was said and done, it's that build back. It's that, that coming back from. Financial hardship and mistake that will make or break you, right? And in this industry, we tend to call that an expensive education. You have something in real estate that happens. It's an education piece because guess what? You learned your lesson. You don't want that to happen again. So now you're gonna do what you have to do to avoid that situation from happening. I think that's super important and I'm, I really appreciate that you brought it up that way because it really, truly is important to get those punches in the face and take those LS, as you said, right? Because It's gonna build your character and it's gonna build your entrepreneurial profile, right? It's gonna mold you into the business person that you are. So I think that's one thing important. I'll say is that like you think every, everybody wants to be Elon Musk, but you don't understand the pressure he deals with on the daily. You don't think he's ticking multiple LS and multiple losses and being built that strength. Think of it as a muscle. The more LS you take, the more punches in the face you get, the more you know it to dodge it. Take a left, take a right. So you got to really build that strength up just to even deal with the pressure of bigger business. And there's levels to bigger business. People think oh, I wanna make a hundred grand my first year in business. Yeah that's a hundred thousand dollars problem. But wait till you get million dollar problems. They just get bigger and bigger. And it's not the problems that go away. They just get bigger.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah. The problems just get more zeros added to them as you scale and expand and get more success and become more successful. But I'm glad you bring that up because if you look at Elon Musk early on and some of the businesses that he started. There's been many business failures and that's the p the part that people don't see. They're like, oh, look, look at what he's doing with Tesla. And, oh, he started off in PayPal and look what PayPal was garbage for a while. And he took a lot of punches in the face with that. And, a lot of people don't look at the actual. The negative stuff, right? They're just like, oh, look, he's like the richest man in the world and look what he's doing and this shooting rockets up into space and he's, he wants to colonize Mars and blah, blah, blah, blah. Don't forget all the other stuff that happened too, right? There's a lot of mistakes that happened along that process, but it's how he recovered and picked himself up. after those mistakes. That's what made him accelerate and become so successful. And when I think about a lot the naysayers out there that, that hate on success and all that other stuff, it's you know what, it's probably because you tried, you made that mistake, and then you gave up cause that's a lot of the people that say I tried to run a business that just didn't work out. They're the ones who quit. They gave up because it was too much, the pressure was too much, they couldn't handle it. And that's okay if that's you right. Find something that works, that'll work for you. But a lot of times the people that are gonna go out and become really successful in life are the ones that are willing to get those bumps and bruises out of the way. And even after they've successfully passed that. Still be willing to get punched in the face when the time comes because it's gonna happen again. And as long as you understand that you can just keep gearing yourself towards down that successful path. I don't know. Am I crazy here or what?

Daniel Martinez:

No, you're not. And I said, it's so funny cause I love Twitter if you don't love Twitter, go check it out. Just you got to follow.

Average Joe Finances:

I have a love hate relationship with Twitter.

Daniel Martinez:

It's a, it's a love-hate relationship, but you got to follow right people on Twitter. So I follow a guy named Adam Lattimore. He's a Boxer, Ex-boxer. He tweeted this morning. The shame is in quitting, not losing. And he tweeted out this.

Average Joe Finances:

Ooh. I like that. I like that a lot.

Daniel Martinez:

And I posted in my story and so

Average Joe Finances:

that's gonna be the name of this podcast episode, right?

Daniel Martinez:

Yeah. And that's crazy. And the shame is in quitting, not losing. I'll say that again, but I actually, he was such an inspiration for me that I dmd him on Twitter, had him on the podcast, and we had an hour and a half show, and it was one of the best episodes because he's a boxer and he's just, he boxed he went like 16 and two or something like that. And he's a writer. He writes now, so he does a lot of this online stuff and he's always like spitting a good game. So you don't, you never know where you're gonna get a game from, but you got to pay attention to all the game that you get because like I said, your whole thing right there is if you quit you're a loser. But if you lose and keep on moving, it's another opportunity for a win.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah, absolutely, man. I freaking love that. And I also love that you said that when you had them on your podcast, it was one of your best episodes because, you realized that the one that we had together was the best one. So that's awesome. , but no man seriously like that. That is probably one of the best quotes I've heard in a really long time. And I'm gonna share that with you. I'm gonna go follow him just because of that. So I'm gonna go look him up after this because that is the type of stuff that you need in your life. You need that type of inspiration. There's a lot of things out there that, that make you feel good and that are inspirational and all of that, but sometimes there's no context or meaning behind it. It's just like a pick me up. Oh, somebody did a good deed for somebody. That's great. But when you have something like that has meaning behind it. It's something that you can apply to your life. And actually it'd make a difference in your life. So I really appreciate that you shared that with me. And I'm glad that he tweeted that this morning so we can get that out here on this episode. That's awesome.

Daniel Martinez:

That's why you were talking, I'm like I know stuff felt distracted, but I'm like, I got to say this. Cause this was such a dope tweet this morning.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah man. For sure. All right, cool. Yeah, so speaking of that with like just positive influences in life do you have specifically like any role models or positive influences that have helped shape you down your path? As an entrepreneur.

Daniel Martinez:

Man, too many people when you get into this business, find a mentor. Mentors are the hack. And what's crazy about mentors, and this is another tweet that I think he's tweeted too, I think it was today, same Ed Latimore, he's on fire today. He says that most of your teachers and mentors, if you surpass them, they taught you all.

Average Joe Finances:

Man, I love that. It, it reminds me of this picture that I've seen a lot that was turned into a meme on social media. It's a picture of, I'm not sure if you're familiar with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I'm a eighties baby that was a big part of my life when I was a kid. But there was a picture that was going around and I thought it was just absolutely awesome where Oh my God. Oh my goodness. I'm having a brain fart for the the rat sensei's name.

Daniel Martinez:

Master Splinter.

Average Joe Finances:

Master Splinter. That's right. So splinter was, it was a picture of him, like with the turtles, very young, like guiding them. And then later on in life it shows him as older and frail and the turtles like guiding him like when you said that's the first picture that happened in my mind. It's you know when the student becomes the master, right? Oh, you've learned well grasshopper type deal. And that is absolutely the goal that everyone should be striving for. If you're in a an area where you're teaching other people or you're mentoring other people, or coaching other people, your end goal should be to make sure that person becomes better than you. Because if that is your mission and that is what you're trying to do, you are going to give them the best possible advice and motivation and inspiration to actually do that. So as long as I just retired after 20 years in the Navy and that was one of the biggest things for me as a leader when I got more senior in the Navy, is I wanted to make sure that I showed some of these young sailors that here's what I did to be successful in the Navy and here's how you could step it up a notch and I want you to do better than me. I want you to retire to higher rank than I did because that is important to me. And when you have somebody like that and, I've had mentors like that in my life that have helped me. It really makes a difference. So intent matters. That's, I think that's the biggest thing that I wanna take out of that, is how your intention really matters.

Daniel Martinez:

Yeah. And like I said, for me it's been it's always been somebody at different stages of my life. Like my dad was probably a leader and then my dad just passed away last year so.

Average Joe Finances:

I'm sorry, man. Yeah, no and I appreciate the the transparency. There's a lot of people that you can have in your life. But when it's, you're. Family, your father and somebody that really inspired you. Those losses are very tough, but he obviously did something right because you are very successful in life. It's the reason why you're on my show right now, man, cause I love what you're doing. I'm glad we got connected. So you definitely have some fantastic mentors in your life.

Daniel Martinez:

Yeah. One thing my dad taught me, he taught me that my dad came from Mexico, so he told me that, he told me to work with your head because if you work your back you can only do it for so long.

Average Joe Finances:

I absolutely love that man. Your brain can take a beating when it comes to intellectual st Like when as you're learning. You can constantly learn and learn and learn and learn, but you're back over time, man it's gonna go out. Even if you're lifting with your legs and you're using other muscles, man that back can only take so much stress as you get older in life, and that age hits a lot of times, man, you're just gonna get worn out. I could tell you after 20 years in the Navy, man, my back is shot. But I've learned so much over that time period and I'm continuing to learn so much more. So that is a fantastic quote, man. Appreciate that.

Daniel Martinez:

Yeah. And then when I got into business, I met when I got into trucking, I met a mentor of mine and now I'm trying to get him into real estate. So it's like an interesting path. And I told him when I left trucking, I was like, Hey, when I get it into real estate, when I figured this out, you're coming with me. So now he's helping out with the software side. I'm trying to, Introduce him to other things just because it was like he's been doing, he's been in transportation for just so long. So it's one of those things where I'm trying to get him out to transportation cause I've been in there and I'm good.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah. That's awesome actually. That kind of goes back to that meme I was just describing with Splinter in the Turtles. It's you went up to him or I'll even use a Star Wars reference, right? Cause I'm a huge Star Wars fan. You were his padawan and now you've become the master and you're bringing him over. I guess to the dark side, right? , but yeah, man that's good stuff. And that's one of those things that I really like about you too, man, is that again, you're a very genuine person. You could have easily just learned as much as you could from him, did your business and said, ah, you know what? I'm gonna, I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna go into real estate and this isn't for me. But no, you went back to him and dude, you really helped me out. I wanna help you out. And that's the type of people you wanna surround yourself with, the people that are gonna give back. And I think that's super important. What you're doing with your real estate data, with your company, right? With Hive mind and what you're doing with your podcast and giving back to the community, that is something that, that is worth more than any dollar amount you could put into it, right? Because that knowledge can change someone's life to the point of millions. Yeah. And and I think that's huge, man.

Daniel Martinez:

And that's why I go so hard into it just because if you have conversations and meaningful conversations, it's all fine and dandy. But if you can't find a way to share or have it out there forever where it can't help the masses, what's the point of the conversation?

Average Joe Finances:


Daniel Martinez:

It's just crazy. Like me and my partner, I just went to San Antonio last week and I was like Hey, he was talking to one of our clients and he told them something, bro. Dude, we need to talk about that when we get back to your house. And he is like, dude, let's talk about it right now. So we literally recorded a podcast on the way back to his house and that's when we got a few episodes. So we reached two episodes like that and it was such immediate conversation cause we were talking about the power of connection.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah. Oh, the power of connection is awesome, man. And that's why that's why I try not to like really script my podcast episodes, man. I wanna have a genuine conversation with my guests because you get so much more out of that and there's so much more value added because, both of you can relax and just have a conversation like what we're doing here. I think I was able to extract more valuable data from you. Just by sitting down and having, just talking like two dudes, right? Having a cup of coffee or a beer or something, just talking. And man, I mean that, it just adds value. I got to really understand what it is to what drove you to go from the transportation industry into real estate and why you're so passionate about that. Those are the type of golden nuggets that people will carry with them as they go on their investing and financial freedom journey. So I definitely appreciate that, bro.

Daniel Martinez:

Yeah, and like I said I like it cause it's just, there's always meaningful conversations you're gonna have with.

Average Joe Finances:

A hundred percent.

Daniel Martinez:

At different points and you don't ever know what actually's gonna be talked about.

Average Joe Finances:


Daniel Martinez:

He asked me around this one, he was like, oh, what do you wanna talk about? I dunno. Let's talk . Average Joe Finances: Yeah. Hey, same way when I went on your show, man, we were just like, Hey, what are we gonna talk about? And we just, as we went on, we figured it out. We talked about podcasting and real estate. I love that man. So actually I do though have some set questions I do wanna ask you in this, I wanna transition this to that. It's something that we call the final round. And I'm gonna ask you the same four questions that I ask everybody that comes on the show. If you're ready to go, we'll get that party started. Cool. Let's go. Hit me.

Average Joe Finances:

All right. Dang, I don't wanna hit you, man. I don't wanna hit you, but I'm gonna ask you a couple questions. Hey. The first one is, what's the biggest mistake you've ever made? In real estate or in business?

Daniel Martinez:

In real estate or business? I would think it's not pivoting sooner. I wish I would've pivoted sooner out of my trucking business. A lot of it is just you don't really know. You don't really know what's gonna come of it. And when my mentor were in the trucking business, he told me, if you don't go all in right now, there's always gonna be that doubt that you didn't go all the way in. So I think it's follow through and going to the end. And I think it was like the one thing I was like, Hey. And that's one thing I did do with trucking. I took it as always the end where I didn't have any other choice out of it. But I'm glad I went through all of that. It was just part of what come back was, I wish I would've done it sooner, but I did learn a lot from doing that.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah, absolutely. Do you think like part of that might have been just like, kinda like a pride thing. I started this, I wanna finish it. Because I feel like that's what I would struggle with. Man, like I don't wanna feel like I didn't make it.

Daniel Martinez:

And this is for everybody here too, like my family called. I'm like, are you okay? And I'm like, yeah, I'm fine. Because like entrepreneur's not easy. And I told my mom, I was like, my mom should actually should call me concerned. I was like, I'm not depressed. Like people in my situation that couldn't handle what I was going through would probably be depressed and suicidal and drinking a lot, and I'm not in here of those right now, so I'm perfectly fine. And it was one of those things. It's not pretty. It's not pretty when you're on the other side of stress, whatever that comes in.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah. And hundred percent.

Daniel Martinez:

I'm sure you've dealt with like military and veterans and stuff like that's seen time and it's just yeah, all this is stress and it's not good for you and you got to find a way to deal with it and hold on.

Average Joe Finances:

A hundred percent. Yeah. I've seen it both in the military and I've seen it with my business man. Like it like you said, being an entrepreneur it's not easy. And a lot of times people see the sunny side of it. You don't see those crappy, rainy days that always happen. So again, your transparency, man. I appreciate that because I think people need to understand both sides, right? You're gonna have good days and you're gonna have really shitty days. So it's all about, again, when you take those, again, going back to when you take those LS, it's all about how you respond. To those crappy days and how you bounce back from it. I think that's huge, man. So the next question's gonna tie into this and that what is something that you've learned that you wish you knew when you first started?

Daniel Martinez:

That there isn't a wrong way. And what I mean by that is that everybody thinks there's only one way to go a certain direction and there is no wrong way. If you do take a direction, it's not necessarily wrong, but there could be good and a solution that could be made even going the wrong way. There's no wrong way.

Average Joe Finances:

Okay. I love that man, because there's gonna be lessons learned no matter what you do. And if you do something that you think might have been wrong, you're gonna learn something from that. So it is the right thing that you needed to do. Ah, I love that man. So much value out of this. Okay. The next question, again, ties into this and do you, Daniel, have any tips or tricks that you would recommend to someone that is just getting started today?

Daniel Martinez:

Build the team, systematize, automate as much as you can. It gets easier the bigger you get. And staying small might not always be the best solution.

Average Joe Finances:

I love that. I love that. It's one of those things, and I think I talked about this when I was a guest on your show. When I started my podcast, I felt like I had to do everything myself. I had to touch everything. And it wasn't until I outsourced my editing and it wasn't until I like started hiring assistants to help me with certain things, with my social media and everything else that I realized that this is actually as a team sport. A much better place to be than trying to do everything solo. And that's both, as in real estate and also with my podcast. I would say that in any business even if you start your own small business, having a team, and having some people that, that have your back will help you scale so much faster than trying to do everything yourself. Sure, you can be a solo person and go invest in real estate and do everything by yourself. You're gonna be really stressed out. You're not gonna have a lot of free time. And if you're married with kids, you might not be for long. Because you have to give your family that time too. There's a lot of things to consider. So being solo's great, but this is a team sport, so build your team. I love that man. Okay. Is there anything you wanted to add to that?

Daniel Martinez:

No, I just, it's, I went through it solo at first and now I have a team and everything's a lot easier.

Average Joe Finances:

And you had your family asking if you're okay.

Daniel Martinez:


Average Joe Finances:

Yeah. Awesome man. Okay. So I will end this with the final question of the final round, and I will preface it with, besides your own, but do you have a favorite business investing or real estate related book or podcast, or both?

Daniel Martinez:

I would say the book I'm a numbers person, so I like investing in Debt by jimmy Napier. That really helped me with like creative finance and understanding notes and stuff like that, especially with the direction we're at with the market setting. It's probably a really good book to read if you're learning about creative stuff. I love a hundred million offers by Alex or Mosey. That's a book I recently read. This. And it, it covers a lot of stuff on that I did with my agency and understanding that side of it. Traction's a really good one too. Understanding your role in the business and that you don't have to do it all. You have to find somebody that fills the other side of your business. And traction's one of, really one of those, another good one like that I'm not really much of a reader, but those are. Rich Manon Babylon. It's a good book.

Average Joe Finances:

Oh, my favorite personal finance book. And I, and when you said traction man I was gonna like point to it back here, but that book is one of those things that actually punched me in the face and made me realize like, Hey, you really need to consider what you outsource, how you outsource it and just stop trying to do everything. That was one of those things that really helped me with that. So I'm really glad that you brought that up. That's definitely one of those must reads if you're in any type of business. It doesn't have to be real estate, just business in general. That is like a must read. A hundred percent.

Daniel Martinez:

Yeah. So like I said, those are all the stuff that really helped me out a lot, like I said, and they're all different. They all helped in different ways, like different ways in business. Like I said, I'm not a big reader, but. I need to do better.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah no, me too. I'm not a big reader. But a couple of those books that you mentioned I read and they're fantastic. I am definitely gonna go check out Investing in Debt, though. That's not one that I've read, so that's getting added to my list. Yeah, man. Okay. So that is it for the final round now. I lied here cause I do have one more question for you. And it's the most important question of all. It's not part of the final round, but it is important because people listening to this episode and saying, man. I like the vibes that I'm getting out of Mike and Daniel's conversation. I really like what Daniel's doing and I wanna know more about him and his business. So where can people find that information? Do you have a website you could share with us? Any social media platforms that people could follow you on? Anything like that.

Daniel Martinez:

Yeah, so we're Hive Mind CRM on all platforms. We have a feed Facebook group called Hive Mind CRM. We have a our software is to help people automate and delegate their business through automation. And we help all types of type businesses that do that. We have a land mastermind, we actually invest in real estate land. If you're interested in that, you can actually text Land 210972-18-42 to get more interested about that. But YouTube, Instagram, Twitch, Pinterest, you name it, we're on there.

Average Joe Finances:

And what's the name of your podcast?

Daniel Martinez:

The podcast is called Hive With Us Podcast Network. You can actually find it on

Average Joe Finances:

Awesome. Hey I wanted to put that out there because that it is a fantastic podcast and yours truly was on there as a guest and absolutely loved the conversation that I had. And just the information that they put out. It's just generally just a fun podcast to listen to. And I do wanna point out full disclosure here specifically The Hive Mind CRM is actually the CRM that I personally use. So you guys could definitely go check that out. It'll bring you right to Hive Mind. Really appreciate Daniel, this conversation was fantastic. I knew it was going to be.

Daniel Martinez:

I just knew it.

Average Joe Finances:

From the last time we talked. So again, thank you so much. I'm gonna make things very easy for everybody. Those links are gonna be in the show notes, so you can go find Daniel, you can go find them on social media. You can go find the Mastermind for those you in interested in investing in land that is one of the new hotness right now. So now is a good time to get in early if that's something you're interested in doing investing in land. Daniel, again, thank you so much, man. This was fantastic.

Daniel Martinez:

Yep. I appreciate it, man. I didn't even know what to say, man. I, a lot of stuff covered a lot of stuff I never talked about, but hopefully you'll enjoy that.

Average Joe Finances:

Yeah, I appreciate it, man. And Hey, to my listeners thank you so much for joining me in our special guest, Daniel Martinez, on the Average Joe Finances Podcast. Go leave us a five star review and tell us what you liked about today's specific episode with Daniel Aloha from Hawaii and have a fantastic rest of your day.